About the Tri-Boro Food Pantry
We are known throughout the Pascack Valley as a place where hungry people are fed. From soup to cereal, eggs to milk, diapers to dish soap, this food pantry is committed to helping people live. But hunger isn’t something that only happens in other places. Over 90% of the families who come to the Tri-Boro food pantry are from the Tri-Boro area.
Current Food Distribution Policies
The pantry has made the following changes to our distribution process:
1) We are no longer allowing clients into the pantry. We’re inviting people to stay outside.
2) Bags are being pre-packaged for you. Bags will be placed outside for you to pick-up once you arrive.
3) We’re still providing fresh milk, bread, produce, and eggs. Diapers, cleaning supplies, and paper products are in short supply. We will continue to provide all that we can.
4) If you are a new client, you will have to fill out paperwork.
Make a Donation
The number of clients utilizing the pantry has increased 400%. Your food and financial donations will keep people in Northern New Jersey fed.
Food donations are accepted during our open hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 11 am). If those hours do not work for you, you may drop food off at a variety of locations in the area! The borough halls in Park Ridge (53 W. Park Ave), Montvale (12 Mercedes Drive), and Woodcliff Lake (188 Pascack Road).
If you would like to make a financial donation, please mail a check to Tri-Boro Food Pantry 65 Pascack Road, Park Ridge, NJ 07656. Brand New: We accept electronic donations via Venmo! Find us at @Triboro-Pantry! If you have any questions about making a financial donation, contact our treasurer, Rev. Marc A. Stutzel, at pastormarc@clc4u.com. He can help set up any company matching programs and more. Thank you for your gifts!
Do You Need Community Service Hours, or Looking to Host a Fundraiser?
Are you planning to host a fundraiser for the pantry? Thank you! If you’re hosting a GoFundMe or a Facebook fundraiser, please let the pantry know by contacting us at triborofoodpantry@gmail.com. Facebook does not alert us to fundraisers unless you tag our facebook page and when we receive the funds 90 days after the fundraiser, they do not tell us where the money came from. We want to acknowledge your generosity and hard work!
Students who need community service hours are encouraged to organize a food drive within their community, school, or church. The donations can be dropped off during normal business hours or you can make arrangements by calling 201-573-9083 OR emailing triborofoodpantry@gmail.com.
(201) 573-9083
65 Pascack Road
(Pascack Reformed Church)
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Drive down Wampum Rd. and turn right into the parking lot. The pantry is in the back of the chruch.
Tuesday and Thursday
Closed Thursday, November 28th, 2024.
Closed Tuesday, December 24th, 2024.
Thanksgiving Distribution will be held on Sunday, November 24th, 2024 from 2:00pm-4:30pm.
Christmas Distribution will be held on Saturday, December 21st, 2024
Additional Bergen County Food Resources
Click here for a map of food resources available in Bergen County!
Our Location on Google Maps
My name is Nicole Larghi and as part of my Girl Scout Gold Award, I have set up a sustainable Wish Project. There are many families in our area that do not have the financial means to give holiday gifts or Easter baskets to their children. All holidays are special for families, and I want to make sure these parents are able to give their children something special and have a memorable holiday. We live in a community filled with many generous individuals who have embraced my project’s idea and sponsored gifts for families. The outline of this project was created to be reused and can be applied to any holiday or special event throughout the year. If you are interested in starting a Wish Project of your own, click the photo above for my detailed instructions.